We Must Pray

Oh how I wish for political candidates who can run on the strengths of their platform rather on slamming their opponents.  More than ever before we must pray our way into the voting booth and seek the  LORD's direction as we vote.  The sooner we recognize that God can use whomever he chooses to accomplish his plan for our country, the better.
Currently I'm reading the book "Cities of Prayer".  Revealed in the book is the FACT that there is a wide-spread prayer movement in numerous cities in America.  The city of Austin, TX has been covered 24/7/365 in prayer by churches in the area for several years.  Among other miraculous results of such prayer was the breaking of a multi-year drought in a matter of months after focused prayer by churches united to pray for the city.  Not only was the drought broken, but the water supply was totally replenished in just a few weeks.  There are numerous other accounts of God's miraculous intervention in the cities that are being covered in prayer.  Not only is prayer making a difference in America, but also in many other countries that have vibrant prayer initiatives in place.  In Indonesia, which the book cites as having the most effective prayer movement, a Muslim is turning to Christ EVERY FIFTEEN SECONDS!  That information actually comes from a Muslim website warning against leaving their faith.
We must wake up to the fact that what we've been relying on is failing.  God alone is our hope.  The prophet Isaiah was called by God to be a Watchman on the Wall, not to alert the people of attacks from enemies, but rather to constantly remind God of his promises to his people.
If 31 churches in Highlands County would commit to taking one 24 hour period per month to pray for Spiritual Awakening in our county, our state and our country, we could cover the county in prayer 24/7.  That means getting 24 people per congregation to commit to one hour of prayer per month even from the comfort of their home, and then calling the next intercessor to pass the baton.  If we want to see postive change in our nation, WE MUST PRAY!


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