Deciphering the News

Especially during the pandemic, the so-called news industry plays with words in order to increase anxiety in their listeners & watchers.  Words and phrases like "dire", "disastrous", "might", "could be", "likely", "possibly", etc. enables them to say something without saying something.  And then there is any news that relates to  President Trump.  Expect to hear "baseless", "false", "without evidence" and "untrue" .  In this way they can present their bias without seeming to be biased.  Words are powerful and the news industry knows it.  Data is often misleading.  For example, while deaths due to Corona Virus 19 are claimed to be rising at alarming rates, deaths rates from things like heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, etc  are decreasing.  It doesn't take an Einstein to see that the death numbers are just being shifted so that Covid remains the scary ghost in the closet.  This benefits big Pharma and their many investors.
I'm not saying that the virus isn't real or that people are not dying from it.  I'm just saying that if you choose to watch or listen to the national news, be aware that they have an agenda.  It is like the old newspaper saying, "If it bleeds, it leads".  Long gone are the days of presenting confirmed facts.  Now the purpose is to increase the stress and worry among listeners.  Pay attention to the word choices and you'll begin to see the real picture.


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