
Showing posts from 2021

I'm Feeling Like an Israelite in Exile

 As we continue to adjust almost daily to the new "normal" of covid 19, I'm beginning to feel like I'm in exile in a foreign land.  Increasingly our government is impinging on our "space".  Gradually our freedoms are being eroded.  If we complain, those in power only tighten the demands on us just like the Egyptian taskmasters did to the Israelites.  What can we do to change our situation? I remember attending a school board meeting once intending to speak on an issue that was on the docket.  The meeting dragged on and on, dealing with one mundane matter after the other.  When we reached 10 p.m. and they still had not opened the floor for those of us who came to speak, I realized that no matter what we might say, they had already decided what they would do.  Our input would make absolutely no difference even if we stayed long enough to voice it.  That is somewhat like the feeling I have now.  Our government, which is supposedly "of the p...

The Leadership Void

I'm noticing a disturbing trend, not only in our nation, but in our local church.  There is a leadership void and as with any void, it will be filled by those who are either not equipped to lead or who have a personal agenda to promote.  The old saying of there being "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians" which refers to everyone wanting to lead and no one willing to do the work is no longer true.  More and more people want to serve, but don't want to lead.  It reminds me a bit of Moses.  He did want to deliver the Jews from bondage, but when his first attempt ended badly, he withdrew for 40 years and then had to be drafted by God to be the leader of the Exodus.  The problem with a lack of leadership is that anarchy prevails.  That means that everyone does his own thing.  When that happens there is no synergy, and the organization is limited to the ability of the individual rather than the combined ability of the group.  Recently I have dea...

Take Back Charge of Your Life

During the pandemic more and more of us have surrendered control of our lives to so-called "experts" in the fields of medicine, entertainment and government.  We no longer decide what we will or will not do until we have read the latest article or watched the most recent video of some "talking head" seeking to frighten us into submission.  Many have become dependent on the government to supply their financial needs rather than getting out and working.  We have become like sheep who can't determine when, where and what to eat or where to rest in safety.  The time has come for us to wake up, stand up and retake charge of our lives. The only Shepherd we should follow is the Good Shepherd, Jesus.  As we follow Him we can be assured of adequate food, safe water, right paths and life without fear.  Being a part of His flock means surrendering to His daily guidance and direction. Secular government leaders, medical "experts" and celebrities are not interested...

Christ is Risen; Now What?

Many people, whether committed Christians or not, have just celebrated Easter; Resurrection Day.  The question, especially for Christians what?  What are you going to do differently because Christ is alive, ascended and coming again?  The first disciples had specific instructions to Go to Galilee and wait for Jesus.  Then He told them to wait for the Promise (Holy Spirit).  Then they turned the world upside down. In our case, the Holy Spirit has come.  All believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  Yet our world is in chaos.  Many of our churches are declining both in impact and in membership.  For the first time in many years there are fewer church members in America than non-church members.  Many churches have become "holy huddles" for the saved rather than Lighthouses to attract and direct the lost to safe harbor in Jesus. Do you have friends or family members who are lost? Are you actively seeking to share the Gospel with th...

Scipture Comes to Life

The Apostle Paul was more than just a missionary.  He was the author of the bulk of the New Testament, and he was a prophet.  We are seeing at least two of his prophesies coming true today.  The first is found in Romans 1: 18-32.  I'm not going to type it all in this post, but I strongly encourage you to read it in your own Bible.  The bottom line of this passage though is that we are seeing these things happening daily in the headlines and through radio and TV news casts.  I will print vv28-32.  "And because they did not think is worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a corrupt mind so that they do what is not right.  They are filled with all unrighteousness, evil greed and wickedness.  They are full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, and malice.  They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, arrogant, proud, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, senseless, untrustworthy, unloving, and unmerciful.  Alt...

"Follow the Science" Selectively Applied

Over and over we keep hearing politicians and medical personnel saying "follow the science" when talking about covid 19.  I find it interesting that they are not making the same application when dealing with gender confusion and with abortion.  If we "follow the science" in either of these areas we find that scientifically there are two biological genders and that babies in the womb are real people.  It appears that the bottom line for them is what is going to enable them to push their agenda on the public. The Apostle Paul clearly stated in Romans 1 that there would be a degradation of society as we move toward the "Day of the LORD".  In vv 18-19 he wrote, "For God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth , since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them."  So it is not a matter of not knowing, but it is a ma...

God is Large and in Charge!

Many people are distressed because of covid-19 and the tumultuous political climate in America.  Everyday I read of the increasing numbers of people who are dealing with depression and the rise in suicides in our country.  People are losing jobs and some are losing their homes.  There is no doubt that we are in troubling times. All of this makes me aware that people have forgotten that God exists and knows everything that is going on.  What we don't know is how He will use the situation to accomplish His purposes.  In America we have been under God's protection and blessing for so long that we have taken it for granted. Let's get real for a moment.  Over the past 50 + years America has taken the Bible and Prayer out of schools and now most public venues.  We have also passed laws that have resulted in the death of over 60 million unborn babies.  We have elected officials who's morals would have disqualified them in the earlier days of our country....

An Inside View of Covid 19

I started 2021 with a bang, and I'm not talking about fireworks.  On Jan. 1, 2021, after several days of a hacking cough, backaches, and generally feeling "blah", my wife convinced me to go the the emergency room.  Because of some on-going heart issues and the fact that I had pneumonia a few years back prompted us to go and get me checked out.  Long story, short, because we had been to Epcot with our daughter and her family a few days earlier, they did a covid 19 text and it came back positive.  My primary symptoms have been cough, aches, and extreme fatigue.  The coughs and the aches have subsided, but the fatigue continues.  The day after I was diagnosed, my wife could not stand without leaning on something.  I could not get her out of the house and into the car so we had to call EMS to pick her up and take her to ER.  I could only wait at home.  Finally, a few hours later she called and told me that she also tested positive, and I could co...