The Unexpected

My wife and I have a vacation club membership that we mostly use as a meeting place with our family over holidays.  We met there the week following Christmas.  We arrived on Sunday afternoon and made arrangements for the others who were coming in later.  About 3:15 a.m. my wife got up to go to the bathroom without turning on the lights.  She fell into the shower backwards (4th fall in a month) and was in extreme pain.  I got her back into bed, and later up again to go to the bathroom.  The second time I got her back into bed, the pain was extreme, so I called 911.  Long story short, she was transported to hospital where an MRI revealed a fractured T 12 vertebrae.  A surgical procedure was planned for Wednesday.  All went well, however her pain has never completely subsided.  She had some immediate therapy that afternoon and again on Friday.  She was released from the hospital on Friday and we drove 2 hours to our home.  Now we are learning to help her get into and out of bed.  I have retrofitted the toilet and shower to accommodate her limitations, and we are starting in home therapy.
None of this was anticipated.  We had no contingency plans "just in case".  However, I have now resolved to expect the unexpected and to trust God for the outcome.
The Physical therapist came today and evaluated her.  He projected that healing would take 6-8 weeks, and suggested that she not try to return to teaching until then.  However, she will be evaluated weekly to determine her progress.
Interestingly enough, the Verse of the Day in YouVersion, when I do my devotions, is Phil 4:6-7 "Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus."
In 2022 I'm resolved to expect the unexpected and to experience God's peace because I take my worries and concerns to Him and leave them there.


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