Impression= Action or Depression
I have a friend who once gave me this formula. Impression without expression leads to depression. He didn't actually give that formula just to me, he gave it in context of a personal story he told about his trying to circumvent an impression from God. What reminded me of that formula was preparation for teaching the first chapter of the book of Nehemiah.
First, Nehemiah became aware of a problem with his people in Jerusalem. His awareness came in response to a question posed to his brother who had just arrived from Jerusalem. Quite often we ask people how things are with them, their family or friends. Just as often, we immediately forget their response, or file it away in our "information" file. Nehemiah didn't file it away. He immediately began to act on the information he had received. His actions included;
Here's what I take from the Nehemiah story;
First, Nehemiah became aware of a problem with his people in Jerusalem. His awareness came in response to a question posed to his brother who had just arrived from Jerusalem. Quite often we ask people how things are with them, their family or friends. Just as often, we immediately forget their response, or file it away in our "information" file. Nehemiah didn't file it away. He immediately began to act on the information he had received. His actions included;
- Prayer and fasting (indicating the intensity of his concern)
- Formulating a plan of action
- Going through the proper steps to launch his plan.
Here's what I take from the Nehemiah story;
- When I become aware of a need, that is God's impression for me to get involved.
- I don't have to know all the answers in order to get involved.
- I don't select the level of my involvement, God does.
- Success doesn't come easily. I will have to work at it in the face of opposition.