Wasting the Elders

Maybe it's because I recently celebrated my 70th birthday, but I don't think so. What? It's the fact that we Americans tend to lump all our older folks into the "has-been" folder and generally forget about them. The only exception seems to be in government. We do have our fair share of seniors involved in government. The Bible supports the idea that the elderly have much to offer. Moses was 80 when God called him to deliver the Jews from Egypt. Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born. Caleb was 85 when he requested of Joshua the right to take the mountain occupied by giants that he had been promised as a 40 year old. In Biblical times, the elders of a city oversaw and approved most business deals transacted in their city. They also settle disputes without having to bring the courts into the mix. Today, especially in our churches, we tend to forget the more mature folks. We allow them to be a part of the "Prime-timers", or some other benighnly named group whose primary activity is to participate in trips to flea-markets, shows, and the like.
I think that the time has come for us to recognize that the gifts, talents and abilities of the older people in our congregations are vital to the health of the church.
To the older folk, let me say, it is time for you to stop sitting on the premises and start standing on the promises of God. Make yourself available to a younger believer as a mentor. Keep teaching Sunday School, working with RA's and GAs, helping with Upward Basketball. Keep up your involvement in the mission outreach of your church.
Let's don't make the mistake of wasting the gifts that God has placed in the lives of senior adults in our churches. This is an important stewardship issue in the church today. Let's stop squandering such valuable resources.


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