Our Personal Passover

OK, our family is not Jewish, we are "grafted in" as Christ-followers.  However, we celebrated at 3 day "passover" in that we had a "time of remembrance" of all that God has done in our lives.  The Youth Group that we had in the '80's had a reunion this past weekend in Pompano Beach, FL.  We were inundated with memories as we visited, remanised and celebrated friendship and the many blessings of God.  Thanks so much to those who planned and pulled off this event.  Thanks also to those who traved many miles to join us.  Kinda like going back to Jerusalem for the Passover.
Over the past 5-10 years it has been our joy to attend 4 reunions of past youth groups we have had the privilege of working with.  Each of them has brought back a flood of memories of all that God did over many decades in our lives and ministry.  I would encourage every former "youth group" in any church to plan such events while those who were the leaders are still around.  What a marvelous gift that would be for them...and for all who were touched by their ministry.
I think I understand now why Paul retraced his steps to re-visit the churches he had planted.  As we re-connect with those of years past, we are reminded of the faithfulnes of God, and the blessings that He continues to give.  I have been refreshed, renewed and challenged to "keep on keeping on".  Thanks be to God for all His blessings.  Thank you FBC Pompano "youth" and leaders for being a huge part of our lives.  God is good, all the time.


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