This Is My Story

I love the hymn "Blessed Assurance" especially the chorus, "This is my story, this is my song, praising my Savior all the day long." I've just read of Paul telling his story in Acts 22.  I'll be preaching on this text next Sunday.  Even as I prepare to do so, I'm convicted that I don't tell my story more often to more people.
I remember a quote from the great British evangelist Leonard Ravenhill; "A man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument."  That is a great answer to those who say, "I don't know enough scripture to witness." or "I'm afraid I won't be able to answer Bible questions they may ask me."  The reality is that the best evangelism tool any of us has is our own story of how we encountered Jesus, received Him and how our life has been since.  That being said, here is MY story...
When my dad was in the army and there was just my mom and me, we went to a tent revival that my church held.  It was across the street from the church building, under a tent with sawdust on the ground, folding chairs, and a makeshift pulpit & altar.  I really can't remember who preached, or what he preached.  What I do remember is that for the first time in my young life, I realized that I was separated from God and it scared me.  I didn't "go forward" that night, but as we rode home with friends (Mom didn't drive back then) I was inconsolable.  Mom kept asking me what was wrong and I kept saying, "I don't know."
I had been raised in church; had been active in all the children's activities that were available and had been in Sunday school all my life.  I could quote scripture,  and sing many of the church songs.  None of that gave me solace that night.  After we got home, my Mom came into my room as I dressed for bed.  I was still snubbing from my crying.  She gently told me she thought she knew what was bothering me.  She said that if I invited Jesus into my life, He would take the fear away.  She asked if I would like to do that.  I quickly said yes, and we knelt by my bed while Mom led me in a prayer, confessing that I was separated from God because of the wrong things I had done, asking His forgiveness and asking Jesus to come into my life.  After we said "amen" I climbed into bed and promptly fell asleep; no more fear!
Since that day Jesus has been with me every step of the way.  Many years later, God called me into ministry, and for the past 60+ years He has guided me, protected my and provided for me daily.  I can't wait to see what He has in store for tomorrow.
Has anything like this ever happened to you?  It can, you know.


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