2015:The Year of Going Beyond...

As I face the end of 2014, I'm cleaning out my email inbox, unsubscribing from lots of email I no longer want to receive, and trying to pare down the things that tend to bog me down in the ministry. 2015 for me (and I'm suggesting it for my church) will be the year of  "Going Beyond" .  Such a theme leaves lots of room for interpretation.  To get a handle on it, I've broken it down into two parts; Personal and Church.  By putting it in my blog, I'm making myself accountable to any and all who read it.
This year I will do annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly planning.
This year I will write 5,000 words a month toward eventually completing a book.
This year I will personally disciple from 1 to 3 men.
This year I will achieve my weight goal of 175 lbs.

All of these are "going beyond" what I have done in the past.

This year we will seek to average 70 in SS attendance.
This year we will seek to average 120 in worship attendance.
This year we will seek to baptize 12+ people.
This year we will start a Youth SS class.
This year we will add a part-time staff member (either Choir or Children's Ministry Director)
This year we will seek to discover our unique place in our community and work to fill that role.

Again, all of these are "going beyond" what we have done in the past.  Most of all I want to personally glorify God and lead my church to bring glory to Him at the same time.  A worthy goal for anyone.  The scripture that I'm meditating on to help me toward "going beyond" is Philippians 3:13-14 "Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it.  But one think I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus."


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