4 Things to Pray for Your Kids or Grandkids (Updated) | CHRIST CONNECTION
Years ago I began to pray through the lives of my grandchildren. I had a notebook for each one. As I prayed about their early development, school years, relationships, spiritual lives, and ultimately their future spouses and children, I recorded these in the notebooks. Then, on their 12th birthday, I gave them the prayer notebook I had started and encouraged them to continue to fill the notebook with their own prayers. I still have one left to give. With this in mind, I came across the following blog (link below) with some excellent suggestions as to things to pray for your kids/grandkids.. Enjoy!
4 Things to Pray for Your Kids or Grandkids (Updated) | CHRIST CONNECTION:
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4 Things to Pray for Your Kids or Grandkids (Updated) | CHRIST CONNECTION:
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