To Whom Should We Pray?
Last night I had one of those rare instances where I actually had a mental conversation with God. As with many my age, I frequently wake up in the middle of the night, perhaps several times. On one of those instances last night I was thinking about the upcoming Prayer Meeting the next day. As I thought about this, I also thought of how some people always address their prayer to the Father while others pray to Jesus. Mentally I said to God, "To whom should we pray?" Amazingly enough I got an instant answer. In my mind God clearly said, "It depends on what you're asking for." That thought had never entered my mind, so I asked God to elaborate on it...and He did. "If you are asking for protection, provision or blessing" God said, "ask Me. But If you are asking for redemption, healing or guidance, ask Jesus who died for your redemption, who was known as The Great Physician and who said that He was the Good Shepherd. However, if you are asking for understanding of scripture or trying to remember what Jesus said regarding a particular subject or wondering if you have sin in your life or needing power to share the gospel, ask the Holy Spirit." I was blown away! As I drifted back to sleep I was replaying this conversation in my head. Unlike a dream, which I can't remember in the morning, I woke up today with the conversation still very clear. I shared this with my morning Prayer Group, and now share it with you. Hopefully it will rejuvenate your prayer life. I know that I'll never pray the same way again.
Your "dream" reminds me of an instance I had a couple of months ago. I was deeply concerned with the situation with my son. As I was driving home from work I thought I heard music and singing. I listened closely thinking it was something near but it continued as I drove a couple of miles. The music became clearer and I began to sing along with it. The music and singing I was hearing was "It is well with my soul." I think God was telling me everything would be OK. Not there yet, but I have a little more peace.